Embark on an incredible journey with Koto and his friends. The story of Taynikma takes place in a completely different world. You can never tell what strange places and creatures await.
Taynikma is not an ordinary book, nor is it an ordinary comic book. It is a unique blend of adventure, action and magic. Each book also contains tips on How to Draw.
The Taynikma series is 10 books, so make sure you get the whole collection. The first four books are out now!
For hundreds of years Tayclania was a lively place for traders, artisans and wise men. Each clan had its own gods and powers.
The Sun Clan had the healing powers of the Sun, the Moon Clan had the protection of the shadow, the Mountain Clan had raw strength, and the River Clan had wisdom.
Even though Tayclania was rich and strong, argument broke out between the clans. Arguments turned to strife, and strife turned to war. Peace was reached, but few believed the clans could ever rule again as one.
'A treaty was signed, but few believed the four clans could rule together again.
Peace was short-lived. A sorceress murdered three champions from each clan and from their souls she created 12 invincible knights: the Sentinels. Soon all of Tayclania had to bow to her rule and she became The Empress.
The clans were outlawed, the borders were closed and The Empress imposed the Law of the Sun. She declared that only by having just one deity could the land live in peace and harmony. A brief uprising was attempted by the clans but was easily crushed by the Sentinels.
Soon the rule of the immortal Empress of Light will have lasted for 100 years.