Koto embarks on a dangerous journey to sell an old heirloom. Once he reaches the city both guardsmen and thieves seek to steal it from him. And in the shadows a mysterious person is holding the fate of Koto in his hands.
A gang of pickpockets have stolen a valuable heirloom from Koto, and now he must go on a dangerous mission to get it back. And he will have to face an evil much greater than he had expected!
We encounter the young soldier Monto who is searching for his disappeared uncle. Monto receives help from an unexpected ally but he also learns that rescuing his uncle may prove to be a tough challenge.
Book four introduces us to Artan, a young apprentice from the River Clan. At the Clan Academy he is striving to win the Crystal Challenge but he soon finds himself in The Lost Catacombs where he needs to muster all his bravery and skill.